You’ll find here a list (incomplete) of vaporizable plants as well as their ranges of temperature.
We advise you to run some tests (time, temperature, quantity) in order to find the combination that suits you the best and for your model of vaporizer. For that reason, it’s best to start with low temperatures.
Especially for the flavonoids (which gives the taste) are emerging in low temperatures so the longer you stay in low temperatures, the longer the pleasure will last.
Before trying a new plant, find out more about their properties and contraindications and think about consulting a herbology practitioner!!
Vaporizers’ temperatures and effects announced:
Low temperature: up to 150°C
-Angelica: 100 to 150°C
Digestive, antiseptic, tonic, circulatory stimulant.
-Mug wort:
-Ballota niegra (black horehound): 100 to 125°C
-basil: 110 to 150°C
Carminative, galactagogue, stomachic, antispasmodic, disinfectant.
-Eucalyptus: 120°C to 140°C
Expectorant, rubefacient, antiseptic and anti-cough
-White lotus: 100 to 125°C
-Camomile: 100 to 150°C
-Clove: 125 to 150°C
Antispasmodic, analgesic, exciting, womb’s tonic, stomachic, antispasmodic, worming pill
-Corn: 100 to 125°C
Appetite, minor digestive troubles, improving the hepatic function, both biliary and urinary, contribute to prevent kidney stones
-Dandelion: 125 to 150°C
Reduce the water retention, constipation, hemorrhoids, difficult digestion, and rheumatics
-Solidago (Golden rods): 100 to 150°C
Vesicular pain, urolithiasis(kidney stone disease)
- Gotu Kola: 100 to 150°C
Venous insufficiency, venous hypertension and microangiopathy, anxiety, improve the memory and cognitive faculties.
-Equisetum: 100 to 150°C
Urinal infections, behavioral disorders.
-Hyssopus: 100 to 150°C
Carminative, digestive, tonic, pectoral, diaphoretic.
-Lavender: 100 to 125°C
Anti-depressant, antiseptic, antibacterial, digestive, calming
-Meadow sweet: 100 to 150°C
Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, diuretic, anti-edematous, antacid, mucosa’s protector, stomach and intestinal
-Mother wort: 100 to 150°C
Healing, antispasmodic, tonic, expectorant and emmenagogue.
-Passion vine: 100 to 150°C
-Peppermint: 100 to 150°C
Spasmolytic, aromatic, anti-flatulence, digestive and analgesic.
-Spearmint: 100 to 150°C
Tonic, fortifier, digestive, aromatic, anti-flatulence, antispasmodic
-Lemon balm: 130 to 150°C
Tonic, anti-stress, antiviral, antiseptic, calming
-Passion vine: 100 to 150°C
-Portulaca: 100 to 150°C
-Sage: 125 to 150°C
Anti-diaphoretic, antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory
-Perforate St John’s-wort: 100 to 150°C
Slight depression, psychosomatic disorders, depressive states, anxiety, nervous agitation and digestive troubles.
-Esfand (Peganum Harmala): 100 to 150°C
-Thyme: 100 to 150°C
-Tobacco: 125 to 150°C
-Wormwood: 100 to 150°C
-Yarrow: 100 to 150°C
-Yerba Mate: 100 to 150°C
Vigilance, cognitive performance, physical and mental fatigue
Medium temperature: up to 175°C (347°F)
-Apiaceae: 150 to 175°C
Difficult digestion, slow digestion, bloating, flatulence, eructation, intestinal spasm.
-Caraway: 150 to 175°C
Difficult digestion, slow digestion, bloating, flatulence, eructation, intestinal spasm.
-Coffee beans: 150 to 175°C
Cortical and nervous system stimulant, augment the cardiac output. At higher doses: insomnia, nervousness, trembling.
-Symphytum: 150 to 175°C
Softener, emollient, astringent, antitussive, wound healing, antidiarrheal, anti-hemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory.
-Damiana: 150 to 170°C
Aphrodisiac, tonic for nerves and anti-depressant.
-Fennel: 150 to 175°C
Anti-spasmodic, spasmolytic, stimulate the digestion, aerophagia.
-Feverfew: 125 to 175°C
-Hawthorn: 125 to 175°C
Hypotensive, regulation of the heart rate, vasodilator, cardiac tonic
-Ginkgo: 125 to 175°C
Anti-aging, memory less, hearing loss, dizziness, trembling, difficulty for walking.
-Guarana: 125 to 175°C
Physical and intellectual energizer, gastritis, migraine, obesity, fatigue.
-Wild Dagga: 150 to 175°C
- Thistle: 125 to 175°C
Hepato protective, hemostatic.
-Papaveraceae: 150 to 175°C
Anxiolytic, sedative, minor tranquilizer, anti-spasmodic, slow the heart rate.
-Poppy: 125 to 175°C
Stress, anxiety, insomnia, respiratory problems.
-Saw Palmetto: 125 to 175°C
Prostate disorders.
-Calamus: 150 to 175°C
Stomachic, tonic, diuretic, sweat, anti-rheumatic, purgative.
High Temperature: up to 200°C, temperatures above 230°C are not recommended.
-Aloe Vera: 175°C to 200°C
Natural defenses, fatigue
-Berberis: 175°C to 200°C
Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cholagogue
-Arctium: 150°C to 200°C
Anti-cough, anti-rheumatics, antiseptic, oil depurate, diuretic, sweat
-Elymus repens: 175°C to 200°C
Urinary stones, renal colic, urinary tract infection
-Oenothera: 150°C to 200°C
Mental depression, irritability, mammary tensions, water retention
-Amanita manuscaria: 175°C to 200°C
-Chionanthus: 175°C to 200°C
-Garlic: 175°C to 200°C
Antioxidant, antiseptic (intestinal and pulmonary), digestive, expectorant, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, sweat, anthelmintic
-Ginger: 175°C to 200°C
Nausea, vomiting, travel sick, digestive disorder
-Panax Ginseng: 175°C to 200°C
-Goldenseal: 175°C to 200°C
Infections: gastrointestinal, urinary, bladder, respiratory, ocular, mucosal
-Hop: 175°C to 200°C
Aperitif, antiseptic, digestion, sleep, fever, intestinal worms
-Kava-Kava: 175°C to 200°C
-Kola nut: 185°C to 200°C
Sexual tonic, stimulant
-Kratom: 175°C to 200°C
-Liquorice: 175°C to 200°C
Anti-ulcer, antispasmodic, laxative, anti-inflammatory
-Maca: 150°C to 200°C
Constipation, coughing
-Officinal Marshmallow: 150°C to 200°C
Constipation, coughing
-Morning Glory: 185°C to 200°C
-Sida Cordifolia: 175°C to 200°C
Energizer, fat burner, ease the respiratory tract
-Sinicuichi: 175°C to 200°C
-Curcuma: 175°C to 200°C
Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant, choleretic
-Valerian: 185°C to 200°C
Anti-stress, sedative
-Dioscorea Villosa: 175°C to 200°C
Rheumatism, soporific effect, erectile dysfunction
-Yohimbine: 185°C to 200°C
This table is only for information, we would like to raise your awareness about the consumption of these plants. You have to seek a medical attention before any use.
Especially because of potential allergies or overdose.
Warning: The consumption of plants without seeking a medical attention is highly discouraged for pregnant or nursing women.